Why Do People Still Play The Beta Version Of Minecraft?

Hello everyone! This is my first Minecraft video for analyzing and telling the stories of Unknown Minecraft! My user name in the game is Dahomey.
Minecraft has a long and complex history over the last 13 years. Hundreds of updates, changes and additions have made the game completely different from how it was just a few years ago. But with that has come controversy, and in turn a group of players has refused to play the modern versions. Instead they play the nearly 11 year old version Beta 1.7.3, but why?
Intro - 0:00
Introduction To Beta - 0:47
Simplicity - 1:30
Asthetic - 2:55
Nostalgia - 4:27
Is It Better? - 5:28
C418 - Sweden
C418 - Living Mice
C418 - Clark
C418 - Subwoofer Lullaby
C418 - Minecraft
#minecraft #beta #minecrafthistory